The vineyards

The vineyards extend between 290 and 325 meters above sea level, in the municipality of Piera (Anoia), within the demarcation of the DO Penedès. They are also recognized by the DO Cava and DO Catalunya.

The hectares of the estate are dry-farmed, with no need for irrigation. production to increase quality and grade. On the other hand, the vineyards of red varieties, which are more resistant, have been located at lower altitudes to delay the harvest.

All of the estate’s vineyards are trained using the royat system. Pruning is short, leaving only two buds per head and only three heads on each branch. Pruning is done by hand (green pruning) and weed and regrowth is controlled by hand. With the more sensitive white varieties (Macabeo, Chardonnay and Malvasia), occasional fading is carried out to increase the sunlight and aeration of the grapes, maintaining the balance with the leaf area necessary for a higher concentration of sugars.

The vineyards are treated in an ecological way, minimizing the levels of inputs (burning and burning), in order to allow the vines to acquire resistance in a natural way. We have opted not to cut and benefit from a vegetation cover that competes for water, limits erosion and maintains beneficial fauna. Interplanting is only applied in some cases to avoid forcing the plant to produce crops that affect quality. Sexual confusion is used by distributing pheromones to combat cork, and the grass is cut 2 or 3 times a year.

All the wines have the organic production certificate (CCPAE).



Chardonnay is a white grape variety of French origin. The grape is small and the berry is small, spherical and has a thin yellow skin, which makes it fragile. It is an early budding and ripening variety, which makes it sensitive to frost. It adapts well to different types of soils, except wet soils.

We have 2.45 HA planted in 2006, with an average productivity of 3500 Kg/Ha.


Macabeu is a white grape variety native to Catalonia. The cluster is compact and large and the berry is round and large, very sweet, golden-white and with a very thin skin. It is slow and late budding, resistant to frost and drought, but it is sensitive to diseases.

We have 7.5 HA planted between 2003 and 2010, with an average productivity of 4500 Kg/Ha.


Xarel-lo is a white grape variety, typical of our wine region, the Penedès. The plant is sensitive to frost and diseases, the cluster is of medium size and not very compact and the grain is round, thick and thick-skinned.

Sprouting time is in March. We have 3 HA planted in 2009, with an average productivity of 4500 Kg/Ha.


Malvasia is a white grape variety, of Greek origin and widespread in the Mediterranean basin. The cluster is small and not very compact and the berry is large, sweet and aromatic. It is a delicate and not very productive variety.

We have 1.4 HA planted in 2016, with an average productivity of 1000 Kg/Ha.

Xarel-lo is a white grape variety, typical of our wine region, the Penedès. The plant is sensitive to gelling and malicose, the grape is medium-sized and not very compact and the grape is round, thick and with a thin skin. The sprouting season is in March.

We have 3 hectares planted in 2009, with an average productivity of 4500 Kg/Ha.

El xarel·lo és una varietat de cep blanca, pròpia de la nostra zona vinícola, el Penedès. La planta és sensible a les gelades i malures, el gotim és de mida mitjana i no gaire compacte i el gra és rodó, gros i de pell gruixuda. L’època de brotada és al març.

Disposem de 3 HA plantades l’any 2009, amb una productivitat mitjana de 4500 Kg /Ha.

Garnatxa negra

Garnacha tinta is a red grape variety typical of the Mediterranean basin. The clusters are compact and the berry is oval, sweet and purple in color. It is sensitive to humidity and spring fogs, but it adapts well to sunny, airy and not too high areas.

We have 1.6 HA planted in 2016, with an average productivity of 3000 kg/ha.

Pinot noir

Pinot noir is a black grape variety originating in Burgundy and introduced in many wine regions. In French pinot derives from ‘pineapple’, due to the crowded shape of the grape. The cluster is small, purplish black, with thick skin and soft flesh.

We have 0.3 HA planted in 2011, with an average productivity of 2200 kg/ha.

Cabernet sauvignon

Cabernet Sauvignon is a black grape variety, of French origin, but widespread throughout the world. The plant is vigorous and adapts well to temperate and slightly humid climates. The clusters are medium-sized, irregular in shape and not very compact. The berry is small and spherical, full of seeds, thick-skinned and hard, making the grape resistant to diseases. It has a deep black pigment and the flesh is firm, crisp and tart tasting.

We have 6 HA planted between 1999 and 2002, with an average productivity of 2200 Kg/Ha.

Table grapes

We have several terraces of table grape varieties for self-consumption. They are vines of different varieties, mixed white and red. These vines come from the traditional exchange with other farms in the region.

We do not know the actual varieties, but the family oral tradition tells us about red xarelo, Valencian, muscatel.